Bild på Ingrid Schyborger Qtet

Ingrid Schyborger Qtet

Ingrid Schyborger is a Europe, – and New York, based bass player and composer who, after living in New York for three years, now lives in Sweden. 
She is originally from Stockholm and grew up in a small neighborhood outside the city in a house full of musical instruments. When she was 17, she was introduced to the double bass and quickly fell in love with the instrument. She has now played with many well-known musicians in Europe, New York, Sweden and Kenya and is on her way to becoming a prominent composer and bass player worldwide.
“In love with the world” is the title of Ingrid Schyborger’s upcoming debut album which will be released in October 2024 on the record label Prophone. 
The album was recorded in Sound on Sound Studios in New Jersey, and it features a jazz quartet combined with a string quartet. The album includes Ian Cleaver on trumpet, Tommaso Perazzo on piano, drummer – and percussionist Rogerio Boccato, and a guest appearance by Yuko Kawasaki on vocals.

During her upbringing, Ingrid spent much of her time in the summer outdoors, playing in the forests of rural Sweden. The album is a rewind to what it was like wandering alone in the woods, being only eight or ten years old at the time, hearing only the sound of the creaking trees and the birds.

Much of the music on the album has been inspired by those summers, as well as a reflection on our society today, how urban societies have lost their connection to the earth’s nature, and how humans have lost their love for the planet.

While combining melodies that pull the listener in with playfulness of rhythm and advanced harmonic changes, Ingrid’s music always has a story behind it. The musicians incredible skillfulness and communication with each other brings forward a playful spontaneity in the performance, making it both exciting and interesting to listen to.

“In love with the world” is a dynamic album that invites the listener on a journey through several musical landscapes. These landscapes tell our story today.

Ingrid Schyborger – bass
Ian Cleaver  – trumpet
Rasmus Sørensen – piano
Mattia Galeotti – drums & percussion