For each album that Hedvig Mollestad releases, the critics try to find a suitable genre for the spellbinding and uncompromising music that she plays. Is it Jazz or Rock? Is it Stonerswing? Or maybe doom jazz? Classic Rock Magazine perhaps came closest: Jazz Sabbath. “Hedvig Mollestad Trio is the love child of Mahavishnu and Black Sabbath! Or was it Terje Rypdal and King Crimson? Doesn’t matter – it’s music that should make you throw your hands in the air, grin from ear to ear or maybe smile in your beard while you pinch yourself a cold beer and think that now life is at its peak!”
MOJO, Wire, Classic Rock and Downbeat all pay tribute to this jovial in-your-face loud musician; now she arrives at Fasching with her brand new band Weejuns, whose new record was crowned Rock of the Year by music magazine Lira calling it:
“We have to cross the river to rake in the rockiest jazz record of the year. Norwegian guitarist Mollestad introduces his new band Weejuns with a 79-minute long, six-track short disc that sounds like a dreamy version of Miles Davis’ rockiest freeform excesses, filmed in black and white.”
This is the band for you who like jazz but love heavy guitar rock!
Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen – guitar
Ståle Storløkken – organ and continuum
Ole Mofjell – drums