Daniel Bingert is the multi-musician composer, arranger, and bandleader – now hotter than ever. Daniel Bingert invites you to a evening at jazz club Fasching with fantastic serious modal jazz & hardbop with a lot of humor. Daniel Bingert debuted as an acoustic jazz composer in 2020 with the record Berit in Space. The album made The New York City Jazz Record magazine’s top 10 of all jazz records released in 2020 and was also praised domestically.
Now he comes to Fasching to present his new and old tones where Jämtland songs meet Uruguayan Jazz and become “Kind of Blågul”.
Daniel Bingert – Jefe Musical, Composiciones, Arreglos , Conductor y Moog
Karl Olanderson – Trumpeta
Per Texas Johansson – Saxo Tenorico , Basso Clarineto
Jonas Kullhammar – Alto de saxo
Charlie Malmberg – Grande Piano, Barítono Saxófono
Kansan Zetterberg– Bass Doppio
Moussa Fadera – Batteria