Bild på Bach jazz

Bach jazz

Bach and jazz are two incredibly well-known and beloved phenomena. Yet a new organic whole emerges when Bach Jazz fuses them together. With respect for both Bach’s eternal compositions and the openness of improvisation in the present, the trio has created cohesive music.

It is evocative, human, playful and intimate – as much inspired by Jan Johansson and George Harrison as Miles Davis and Nils Frahm. Welcome to a concert where timeless masterpieces meet concentrated presence and spontaneous whimsy.

After releasing a single and an EP in the spring, the trio’s debut album arrived on September 6. The album was well received in a couple of Sweden’s largest daily newspapers and well-reputed music journals and has been noticed by both Jazzradion in SR’s P2 and SVT’s program Go’kväll.

“In a way this is a very international piano trio jazz, but there is also something about the tone that makes the record unique. It is the legacy of Jan Johansson, of course (…) Suddenly Bach sounds like a Nordic composer and his fugues sound like folk songs.”

– Po Tidholm, Dagens Nyheter

“In Air from the third orchestral suite, the soft but rhythmically strong bass, the discreet drums and the delicate piano play meet the listener like an embrace”

-Tobias Lund, Southern Sweden

“Here, the trio has processed Bach’s music carefully and sensitively and without doing violence to the original compositions.(…) In its kind, the disc is a little gem.”

-Jörgen Östberg, Orkesterjournalen


Emil Carlsson Rinstad – piano
Magnus Bergström – double bass
Ola Winkler – drums