Bild på Eroica l

Eroica l

Eroica l plays a rhythmic and intricate music. The name Eroica – which means hero – is taken from a painting by the artist Basquiat. The absence of drums gives the quartet a uniquely transparent and delicate sound. Their debut concert took place at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam during Holland Festival 2023, and this is their first concert in Sweden. The group consists of the voice artist Sofia Jernberg and the Berlin-based Swedish bassist Petter Eldh, who is behind the hyped band Koma Saxo together with the British pianist Kit Downes, who also participates in Petter Eldh’s trio project Enemy, and the Norwegian saxophonist Kjetil Møster.

Sofia Jernberg – vocals,
Kjetil Møster – saxophone/clarinet,
Kit Downes – piano,
Petter Eldh – double bass