Bild på Kids show: Mathias Zachrisson & Känslorkestern

Kids show: Mathias Zachrisson & Känslorkestern

During his ten years as a preschool teacher, musician and composer Mathias has played and written music together with the children, fascinated by their strong interest in new music. This has resulted in the album “Känslorna” – an orchestral folk-pop album about emotions and life’s deeper questions, from a child’s perspective. A poetic album for both children and adults, it enhances the ability to both understand and express one’s own and others’ feelings. The album will be released on March 28, and this will be celebrated with a live performance of the material with the “Känslorkestern” at Fasching on April 5.

Line up

Mathias Zachrisson – vocals, guitar
Sarah Riedel – vocals
Freya Garcia Sjunneryd – vocals
Vilhelm Bromander – double bass
Wilma Wall – drums
Lina Langendorf – bass clarinet, flute, saxophone
Isak Hedtjärn – flute, clarinet
Daniel Migdal – violin
Filip Lundberg – cello